Sunday, April 25, 2010


Posted by asmiza at 5:57 PM


Kali nih punye prac was quite bored. ak kene jage pediatric ward. ari2 just doing the same procedure. Although there is quite fierce staff nurse there, I have to do the work in good faith and patience. huu. bgos saye kan. ahaks ;D sorang je staf nurse yg agak menaikkan kegeraman aku di situ ye. sgt2 geram. org x wat salah pon kene. nak mintak tlg pon cam nak carik gadoh je. Nasib baik laa ko staf nurse weh. klaw x ? huish. X pe saba je lah ek asmiza eh. ape yg ak wat tiap2 ari ? haa. msok ward, stat wif bed making, taking 4 vital sign then kehulu kehilir main dgn budak2. mereka sg comel. i loikeee :D . cam lam pic 2 yg si hasif 2 comel sgt but he got pneumonia. kesian sgt tp alhamdullillah la his condition become better and discharge already on last friday. Alhamdulillah :) . cici pulak, full name dye Iqqhacici. actually, dye nih OA taw tp comel kan ? x mcm OA pon. she's admit and stay in the hosp almost a year and have bartter's syndrome. it's cause abnormalities in the excretion n reabsorption of salts from the blood. so, setiap setengah jam mst dye buang air besar. kesian dye kan. Most patients in the ward has pneumonia and nephrotic syndrome. kesian weh, kecik2 lg dah mcm2 penyakit. tp nak wat camne kan ? dah dorang ditakdirkan camtu. ujian Allah 2. so, we should be thankful for a healthy body endowed. Thanks Allah :)


Sunday, April 25, 2010




Kali nih punye prac was quite bored. ak kene jage pediatric ward. ari2 just doing the same procedure. Although there is quite fierce staff nurse there, I have to do the work in good faith and patience. huu. bgos saye kan. ahaks ;D sorang je staf nurse yg agak menaikkan kegeraman aku di situ ye. sgt2 geram. org x wat salah pon kene. nak mintak tlg pon cam nak carik gadoh je. Nasib baik laa ko staf nurse weh. klaw x ? huish. X pe saba je lah ek asmiza eh. ape yg ak wat tiap2 ari ? haa. msok ward, stat wif bed making, taking 4 vital sign then kehulu kehilir main dgn budak2. mereka sg comel. i loikeee :D . cam lam pic 2 yg si hasif 2 comel sgt but he got pneumonia. kesian sgt tp alhamdullillah la his condition become better and discharge already on last friday. Alhamdulillah :) . cici pulak, full name dye Iqqhacici. actually, dye nih OA taw tp comel kan ? x mcm OA pon. she's admit and stay in the hosp almost a year and have bartter's syndrome. it's cause abnormalities in the excretion n reabsorption of salts from the blood. so, setiap setengah jam mst dye buang air besar. kesian dye kan. Most patients in the ward has pneumonia and nephrotic syndrome. kesian weh, kecik2 lg dah mcm2 penyakit. tp nak wat camne kan ? dah dorang ditakdirkan camtu. ujian Allah 2. so, we should be thankful for a healthy body endowed. Thanks Allah :)

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